
A Lua library for Moesif, compatible with Openresty

$ opm get xiaocang/lua-resty-moesif

Moesif Plugin for NGINX OpenResty

NGINX OpenResty plugin that logs API calls and sends to Moesif for API analytics and log analysis.

Github Repo

How to install

The recommended way to install Moesif is via Luarocks:

    luarocks install --server= lua-resty-moesif

Alternatively, OpenResty provides its own package manager, OPM, which can be used to install Moesif. Keep in mind OPM is not well maintained and release acceptance may be delayed by a few days, which is why we recommend LuaRocks, if possible.

    opm get Moesif/lua-resty-moesif

Shared Configuration (ngx.shared)

The below options are static for all requests. Set these options on the shared dictionary, ngx.shared.moesif_conf:

    lua_shared_dict moesif_conf 2m;
    init_by_lua_block {
       local config = ngx.shared.moesif_conf;
       config:set("application_id", "Your Moesif Application Id")


(required), string, Application Id to authenticate with Moesif. This is required.


(optional) boolean, An option to disable logging of request body. false by default.


(optional) boolean, An option to disable logging of response body. false by default.


(optional) string, An option to mask a specific request body fields. Separate multiple fields by comma such as "field_a, field_b"


(optional) string, An option to mask a specific response body fields. Separate multiple fields by comma such as "field_a, field_b"


(optional) boolean, Setting to true will prevent insertion of the <code>X-Moesif-Transaction-Id</code> header. false by default.


(optional) boolean, Set to true to print debug logs if you're having integration issues.

Dynamic Variables (ngx.var)

The below variables are dynamic for each request. Set these variables on the ngx.var dictionary:

    header_filter_by_lua_block  { 
      ngx.var.user_id = ngx.resp.get_headers()["User-Id"]


(optional) string, This enables Moesif to attribute API requests to individual users so you can understand who calling your API. This can be used simultaneously with company_id. A company can have one or more users.


(optional) string, If your business is B2B, this enables Moesif to attribute API requests to companies or accounts so you can understand who is calling your API. This can be used simultaneously with user_id. A company can have one or more users.


(optional) boolean, An optional API Version you want to tag this request with.

How to use

Edit your nginx.conf file to configure Moesif OpenResty plugin: Replace /usr/local/openresty/site/lualib with the correct plugin installation path, if needed.

    lua_shared_dict moesif_conf 2m;
    init_by_lua_block {
       local config = ngx.shared.moesif_conf;
       config:set("application_id", "Your Moesif Application Id")
    lua_package_path "/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/lua/5.1/lua/resty/moesif/?.lua;;";
    server {
      listen 80;
      # Default values for Moesif variables
      set $user_id nil;
      set $company_id nil;
      header_filter_by_lua_block  { 
        # Optionally, identify the user such as by a header value
        ngx.var.user_id = ngx.req.get_headers()["User-Id"]
        # Optionally, identify the company (account) such as by a header value
        ngx.var.company_id = ngx.req.get_headers()["Company-Id"]
      access_by_lua '
        local req_body, res_body = "", ""
        local req_post_args = {}
        req_body = ngx.req.get_body_data()
        local content_type = ngx.req.get_headers()["content-type"]
        if content_type and string.find(content_type:lower(), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", nil, true) then
          req_post_args = ngx.req.get_post_args()
        -- keep in memory the bodies for this request
        ngx.ctx.moesif = {
          req_body = req_body,
          res_body = res_body,
          req_post_args = req_post_args
      body_filter_by_lua '
        local chunk = ngx.arg[1]
        local moesif_data = ngx.ctx.moesif or {res_body = ""} -- minimize the number of calls to ngx.ctx while fallbacking on default value
        moesif_data.res_body = moesif_data.res_body .. chunk
        ngx.ctx.moesif = moesif_data
      log_by_lua_file /usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/lua/5.1/lua/resty/moesif/send_event.lua;
      # Sample Hello World API
      location /api {
        add_header Content-Type "application/json";
        return 200 '{\r\n  \"message\": \"Hello World\",\r\n  \"completed\": true\r\n}';


An example Moesif integration is available based on the quick start tutorial of Openresty

Congratulations! If everything was done corectly, Moesif should now be tracking all network requests that match the route you specified earlier. If you have any issues with set up, please reach out to

Other integrations

To view more documentation on integration options, please visit the Integration Options Documentation.


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Keyur Doshi (Moesif)


