
New string.buffer prometheus metrics module for the ngx_lua module

$ opm get bjne/lua-resty-p8s

prometheus (p8s) metric library for nginx/openresty

This is a Lua library that can be used with Nginx to keep track of metrics and expose them on a separate web page to be pulled by Prometheus.


copy the contents of the lib directory recursively to a path available in lua_package_path

openresty users will find this library in opm.

Quick start guide

To track request latency broken down by server name and request count broken down by server name and status, add the following to the http section of nginx.conf:

    lua_shared_dict resty_p8s 10M;
    lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-resty-p8s/lib/?.lua;;";
    init_by_lua_block {
        _G.p8s = require "resty.p8s"
    init_worker_by_lua_block {
        -- set con to nomerge as its generated on request
        _G.con = p8s.gauge("con", "state"):help("http connections"):merge(false)
        _G.req = p8s.counter("req", "host", "status"):help("http requests") = p8s.histogram("lat", "host"):help("request latency")
    log_by_lua_block {
        req(1, ngx.var.server_name, ngx.var.status)
        lat(ngx.var.request_time, ngx.var.server_name)
    server {
        location /enable_internal_metrics {
            -- enables internal metrics for a spesific worker (or true for all)
            content_by_lua_block {
        location /disable_internal_metrics {
            -- disables internal metrics for a spesific worker (or true for all)
            content_by_lua_block {
        location /no_internal_metrics {
            content_by_lua_block {
        location /reset_internal_metrics_for_all_workers {
            content_by_lua_block {
        location /ordered_output_with_internal_metrics {
            content_by_lua_block { p8s(true, true) }
  • configures a shared dictionary with the default name resty_p8s

  • registers a gauge called con with one label state

  • registers a counter called req with two labels: host and status

  • registers a histogram called lat with one label host

  • on each HTTP request measures its latency, recording it in the histogram and increments the counter, setting current server name as the host label and HTTP status code as the status label.

Last step is to configure a separate server that will expose the metrics.

    server {
        listen 9145;
        deny all;
        location /metrics {
            content_by_lua_block {
                con(ngx.var.connections_reading, "reading")
                con(ngx.var.connections_waiting, "waiting")
                con(ngx.var.connections_writing, "writing")

Metrics will be available at http://your.nginx:9145/metrics. Note that the gauge metric in this example contains values obtained from nginx global state, so they get set immediately before metrics are returned to the client.

API reference


syntax: require("p8s").init(sync_interval or dict_name, sync_interval or dict_name)

Initializes the module. This should be called once from init and/or init_worker If called from init sync-timers are not started, but will be autostarted first time a metric is created in any other phase (or .init is called again without argument needed in init_worker)

  • dict_name is the name of the nginx shared dictionary which will be used to store all metrics. Defaults to lua_resty_p8s if not specified. if can also be specified as a reference to a shared dict

  • sync_interval): sets per-worker counter sync interval in seconds, default 1

Returns a p8s object that should be used to register metrics.


    init_worker_by_lua_block {
        p8s = require("p8s").init("i_want_to_use_my_own_dict_name_for_some_reason")


syntax: p8s.counter(name, label_name, ...)

  • name is the name of the metric.

  • label_name list of label names. Optional.

Naming section of Prometheus documentation provides good guidelines on choosing metric and label names.

Returns a counter object that can later be incremented.


    init_worker_by_lua_block {
        p8s = require("p8s").init()
        metric_bytes = p8s.counter("nginx_http_request_size_bytes")
        metric_requests = p8s.counter("nginx_http_requests_total", "host", "status")


syntax: p8s.gauge(name, label_name, ...)

  • name is the name of the metric.

  • label_name list of label names. Optional.

Returns a gauge object that can later be set.


    init_worker_by_lua_block {
        p8s = require("p8s").init()
        metric_connections = p8s.gauge("nginx_http_connections", "state")


syntax: p8s.histogram(name, buckets, label_name, ...)

  • name is the name of the metric.

  • buckets is an array of numbers defining bucket boundaries. Optional, defaults to 20 latency buckets covering a range from 5ms to 10s (in seconds).

  • label_name list of label names. Optional

Returns a histogram object that can later be used to record samples.


    init_worker_by_lua_block {
        p8s = require("p8s").init()
        metric_latency = p8s.histogram("nginx_http_request_duration_seconds", "host"}
        metric_response_sizes = p8s.histogram(
            "nginx_http_response_size_bytes", {10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000}


syntax: p8s()

Presents all metrics in a text format compatible with Prometheus. This should be called in content_by_lua_block to expose the metrics on a separate HTTP page.


    location /metrics {
        content_by_lua_block { p8s() }

counter:incr() or counter()

syntax: counter:incr(value, label_value, ...)

Increments a previously registered counter.

  • value is a value that should be added to the counter. Defaults to 1

  • label_value zero or more label values

The number of label values should match the number of label names defined when the counter was registered using p8s.counter(). No label values should be provided for counters with no labels.


    log_by_lua_block {
        metric_requests(1, ngx.var.server_name, ngx.var.status)

gauge:set() or gauge()

syntax: gauge:set(value, label_value, ...)

Sets the current value of a previously registered gauge.

  • value is a value that the gauge should be set to. Required.

  • label_value zero or more label values

histogram:observe() or histogram()

syntax: histogram:observe(value, label_value, ...)

Records a value in a previously registered histogram.

  • value is a value that should be recorded. Required.

  • label_value zero or more label values


    log_by_lua_block {
        metric_latency(ngx.var.request_time, ngx.var.server_name)

(gauge or counter or histogram):reset(worker)

syntax: (gauge or counter or histogram):reset(worker)

Resets a metric to zero for current worker by default

  • worker can be null for current worker, a id or true for all workers

reset returns self, so it can be nested like


        gauge:reset():set(10, "foo")

(gauge or counter or histogram):help(help)

syntax: (gauge or counter or histogram):help(help)

Sets a HELP text for current metric, if that is something you want to waste bytes on

  • help text, nil to clear current help

(gauge or counter or histogram):labels(*label,...)

syntax: (gauge or counter or histogram):labels(label, ...)

Sets default labels for a metric


        local counter = p8s.counter("counter", "worker", "event"):labels(
        counter(1, "some event")
        local counter2 = p8s.counter("counter", "something", "event"):labels(nil, "some event")
        counter(1, "something")


cpan Test::Nginx Test::Nginx::Socket


What is different compared to alternatives

This module uses LuaJIT serialization instead of pure shm to synchronize metrics between workers. This means all counter updates are only done in the local lua VM, and cross worker updates are a single shm write/interval

Rendering of prometheus output format is nworkers shm gets, and a local merge. This should perform well when using multiple counters

Metrics are garbagecollected, so no need to delete them, just let the lua gc take care of it. Keep in mind tho, that you need to keep a reference.

On reload (currenly) data is loaded from shm, but unless the same metric if created again, garbagecollection may currently remove the data before its recreated. Creating metrics in init_worker will mitigate this issue


Bjørnar Ness




